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Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast

May 31, 2023

On this revisited episode of Beyond the Balance Sheet, Arden is speaking with Brad Sorte, about a topic that hits close to home for them both – facing addiction as a family. Brad talks about his struggle with substance abuse in his early 20s and his life-altering treatment experience at Caron, a treatment facility for...

May 24, 2023

Jamie Mendelsohn of the Ashar Group joins us to discuss a little-known concept relating to your life insurance policy. Many people unable to continue to make payments toward their life insurance policy simply walk away from the policy. However, they need to realize there are buyers for that policy and that they can sell...

May 17, 2023

Dr. Patrick Knapp, the founder of Becoming Free, a program designed to help individuals recover from unique harmful religious or spiritual experiences, is here to discuss his experience in an abusive religious group.  Dr. Knapp provides hope to those who have shared that experience and to the families of cult members....

May 10, 2023

Josh Kanter, the founder of leafplanner, joins us today to discuss the importance of having a tool to collect, organize and map a family enterprise’s information in a single source. Wealthy families unprepared for the grantor's passing can be left in a problematic situation. The old 3-ring binder with information...

May 3, 2023

Brian Cuban is an attorney, author, and mental health awareness and recovery advocate. In this revisited episode of Beyond the Balance Sheet, Brian discusses the inspiration behind his recovery advocacy work and what led to his recovery journey. Additionally, Brian explains why it’s essential to have an open dialogue...